online giving

Financial offerings are collected in order to support the missions and ministries of our congregation.

While our members support the work of the church, please don't feel obligated to give, but share as you feel led.

For every beast of the forest is Mine, The cattle on a thousand hills.  Psalm 50:10

how can I help?

Welcome to ALL who graciously choose to help teach, care, and serve with our children & youth. BEP is committed to the well being and safety of our children. Therefore, we ask every approved volunteer who will be interacting with children 18 years and younger to undergo a three step process:

STEP 1: Read BEP Child & Youth Protection Policy.

STEP 2: Go to Protect My Ministry Link and complete the application.

STEP 3: You will receive an email invitation for training within a few days. Please complete the Protect My Ministry child safety training course and the 20 question ‘quiz’ at the end.

A background check will be performed by the nationally recognized firm Protect My Ministry. All information will remain strictly confidential. We encourage you to complete these steps as quickly as possible for a prompt clearance to serve.

The application takes a few minutes, the training takes approximately 35 minutes.


The potential consequences of NOT adhering to a child protection policy far outweigh the cost and time associated with the necessary steps to implement. Thanks again for your time and patience.